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Goal: $25,000
$10,143.50 Total Raised
40% Complete

We raised $10,143 for Released Time Program of Greater New York!

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The Released TIme Mivtza Matzah campaign has a very clear goal: to assure that every Released Time child and family should have Shmurah Matzah for Pesach. 


Released Time works every week to instill Emunas Hashem into public school children throughout the year.


The Rebbe explained how Shmurah Matzah is the food of Emunah. 


You can make sure that Jewish public school children and their families across NYC have Shmura Matzah at their Seder this year.


Sponsor Shmura Matzah for one Released Time school for $250


You can help Jewish Public School children and their families.

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